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Streetwear Winter Fashion 2019 - 2020 / Fall / Winter Fashion Trends
Today we're gonna be looking at 2019 - 2020 men's streetwear fashion ideas for this coming winter.
How to wear Streetwear Winter Fashion
So gentlemen the winter is coming! We a little classic here which works every year it's the old beige and black boots

Let's start with these bad boys shoes. Okay so we've got a pair of shoes here
these are cheap as they are by Topman suede chelsea boots a favorite we often
wear Chelsea boots nice beige suede there these sent me back about 60 quid
right my top man always cheap and cheerful.
Skinny Jeans

Then we've got the skinny jeans, the rips in these notes rip in need still cool ripped in these still cool, rips all over jeans not cool. Okay nice low-key little ripping the knees they're black skinny jeans.
Hoodies and Coat
Then we're gonna move up into a plain black hoodie alright? and
then it's the overcoat which is Rudy sort of the major piece of the look. This
is an old one I have I'm gonna get something like this anywhere on the high
street, fairly cheap you should get one for about 100 pounds from somewhere like
River Island top models or Zara, these are English brands. You can get cheap coats from high street shops you know your average small shop if you're in America.
Alright so this is the main part of it it's a smart overcoat faded by the
businessman, we're making it kind of streetwear and swagging it up a little bit
and then we're going to whack on this plain black hoodie this is by H&M; just
cost fifteen dollars on top.

We've got an English old-school hat. No it's not a
flat rim you wear a hat it's been this is by finesse a US urban streetwear
brand Newretro.Net other cool ones and stuff like traps table you could easily get one by Nike whatever or is the plain black hat called the branding and we've got this kind of overall rather called urban streetwear look for the winter. The
thing is that the shoes and the jacket make it a bit smarter than wearing your
average trainer look so you're looking at the streetwear a bit cool you don't have
to wear the hat if you don't want to, it's still gonna work. The beige and the
black goes very well together as does a casual hoodie with the small overcoat.
Rings for Streetwear Fashion
Alright let's give you the last few bits bang we've got these little rings. They retail - 15 dollars for each. Loving the gold and black stones to set off my beige black look call this hand action going
on here.
Streetwear Top Winter Look
Alright cool so here's our second combination. We've got the little suede bought my kind of thing on top. This one was 150 dollars, it was by I believe Urban Outfitters, don't grab one of them again don't worry so much about the brands guys, copy it these are all super available all over the high street these are looks which work, they're classic they're time missing dirt cheap we're not high brand high-end brand channel. We're just trying to show you good ideas which you can copy. So this is a real suede one don't get a fake suede one it looks terrible right?
This is really nice and it's actually gonna keep you fairly warm get one of
the thick lining like this put the hoodie underneath. That is our second
brown and beige combo and again the shoes smarten up a little bit. If youre
wearing a hoodie and you have trainers on you kind of lose this kind of sort of
making it a bit smarter although it's a street wear look. Remember you don't have
to wear the hat as well if you don't feel comfortable with it, This is gonna
work perfectly well with your hair out anyway. I'm only wearing it today because
my hair looks absolutely horrific so I won't be taking it off but the whole
look would work really well and add the same kind of vibe without hat.
In fact they might tone it down a little bit make it a little less streetwear and
remember you don't need the branding on my hat as well you go for a plain black
cap I like round caps and in the winter especially it's nice it's a bit warm you
can even put the hoodie up and look a bit more badass.
Streetwear Leather Man Bag
The last element is the leather man bag. You walk along the street like this like a legend hiking through the streets like a fashion Viking. Alright, anyway black and brown go really nicely and
again the leather bag that's a kind of high in edge to it rather than wearing
kind of a backpack or something which you might expect with this kind of style,
the beige nice jacket at the overcoat, the chelsea boots the bag, the jewelry it
shows that even though it's sort of like a casual look and definitely a street
wear look you're also a high-end guy and very rare of fashion. The bag also has
worth a mention because it's the era of the big man bag.
Visit Newretro.Net for the best and affordable streetwear outfits.
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