Only 90's Kids Will Remember These

'90s Kids Know These!

1- AOL Instant Messenger: I bet this takes you back! The go-to chat for '90s kids.

AOL 90'S kids


2- Walkman: The ultimate in audio quality back then.



3- That One Game: Admit it, this was the hardest game you ever played.

Hardest game in 80's



4- Remember This?: The iconic 80s pencil that everyone had.
80s pencil



5- Gotta Catch 'Em All!: Pokémon cards were everything in the '90s.

Pokemon cards in 90's



6- Dial-Up Woes: The struggle of choosing between internet and phone was real.

Dial-up Phone internet


7- Game Boy & Pokémon Red: The perfect duo for endless gaming.

Pokemon gameboy


8- POGS: The collectible craze we all joined.



9- Street Sharks: These action figures were a must-have.

Street Sharks


10- Koosh Balls: Simple, colorful fun that never got old.

Koosh balls



Who ever figured out how long those things really are?


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