Who is the Valerie Collective ?

Valerie Collective


The Valerie Collective was established as a melodic participation in Nantes, France, in 2007 by David Grellier and his companions and colleagues. Various acts in Valerie incorporate The Outrunners, Minitel Rose, Anoraak, Maethelvin, all from Nantes and also Russ Chimes from London and DVAS from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Different specialists included Keenhouse and Electric Youth. The song of the group is "West Coast Valerie", a remix of the TV arrangement Côte Ouest.

The Valerie Collective is portrayed as "in charge of a portion of the plain best unique electronic music presently leaving France", was made as an approach to cultivate melodic ability, by giving chances to coordinated effort among specialists, additionally associating them through sites and other web channels. The group is described by a "retro-futurist", "sentimental mix of 1980s motivated electro" or synthwave.



A portion of the works are discharged under the Valerie possess record name, while others are discharged under different marks like FVTVR, Endless Summer Recordings, Believe Digital, Flexx, Free Danger. The name Endless Summer Recordings additionally arranged a gathering collection in 2009 entitled Valerie and Friends joining an extraordinary number of craftsmen in the task

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