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Should You Buy Expensive Hype Clothes ?

Does Hype Gears Deserve Their Prices?   What's up guys? Do you know why you don't need to have all these hype brands that you can still live a happy life without giving into whatever is stacking likes like hotcakes on Instagram. So I'm rigging down in three things and they're gonna be; conformity, money and illusions. So yeah let's go. Conformity Okay so starting off with conformity I mean if everyone gives in to the hype and gets the same things y'all just look the same. It's like that scene in wall-e where all the fat people are flowing around in chairs but then instead of fuckin chairs magine people floating around in fat supreme shirts. Everyone ends up looking the same...

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The History of Synthwave

Do you remember the 80's? The era of roller skates, VHS and Walkman cassette, the golden age of neon’s, synths and future. The 80’s were an era when we used to fantasize a lot about the future. From the dystopian post-apocalyptic vision of the future to the high-tech utopian fantasy, the 80’s were like a draft of the  present. The Legend of Synthwave The nostalgia of that spirit led, at the beginning of the 2000s, to the appearance of a new kind of electronic music that goes by the name of Synthwave. A new kind of music ? Well, not completely. That’s why today we go back, to the future! You may have noticed there’s a lot of nostalgia going...

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Why You Should Be Buying Vintage Streetwear

What's up you guys, today you're gonna find out why you should be buying Vintage Streetwear, because it's still slept on and the price ratio is so low.   Benefits of Vintage Streetwear I'm put you guys on I'll bring it down in three things and they're gonna be Uniquity, diversity and accessibility.And you get out of the way quick it's cheap as heck.   Uniquity So starting off with uniquity I mean you're gonna be unique or in better terms rare. If you buy something from your local intage spot or find something cheap online chances are you're not gonna find someone else wearing that piece as opposed to something you bought from H&M. So now ask why do people...

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How to Properly Wear & Style Streetwear Men 2019

What's up guys? Today we're gonna learn how to properly style streetwear essentials and not die. Properly Wear Streetwear in 2019 I'll break it down into three things and they're gonna be tops, bottoms and shoes so yeah let's get started. Streetwear Tops The tops are an essential part of our wardrobe. When you see someone the first thing you see is their upper body. Big priority the qualities that you want to find in tops or any piece of clothing for that matter are fitment color details and most importantly affordability.   Okay hoodies are a big part of tops and the essentials hoodie is super sleek and again of minimal making it easy to style with the rest of...

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What is Techwear and Why Techwear is so Hype ?

it's a significant improvement over the original watchdogs in nearly every way. So what's up my watch dogs today we're gonna do a playthrough let's play gameplay of watchdogs in real life ball on the realtek where has been taking the street where seen by storm and it's really just killing it right now. Everything about TECHWEAR Let's get started, imma break it down into three things and they're gonna be design, exposure and brands and that's it's pretty straight forward. Techwear Design we're gonna go with design first so the designs getting a lot of hype because for one it's actually tasteful. A lot of fashion is just recycled and refreshed trends from the past but tech wear seems to...

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